- What is Rate My Contractor?
- The name tells what is… but a bit more in detail, Rate My Contractor was created with one goal in sight: help local Home Owners connect with the right contractor for their project, the easy way. We’ve also built in a straightforward E-Form to start receiving free estimates for your home improvement project, but don’t worry we only select RMC Certified contractors.
- How do I benefit from Rate My Contractor?
- In this day and age people rely on the internet to bring them much of their daily knowledge. The team here at Rate My Contractor wanted to build on the new idea that information should be free. Homeowners have the ability to request the contractor at their choice without having to be pointed in any direction or have to pay any subscription fees.
- How do I use Rate My Contractor?
- Simple! The team here at Rate My Contractor wanted to be different, and make it easier to find, rate, and review contractors. Just go to www.ratemycontractor.com create an account and start browsing though the listings of contractors in your area.
- How much does Rate My Contractor Cost?
- It’s FREE! We don’t charge you a dime. If you'd like to view extra details about contractors than you must create a free account. However, if you are a contractor who would like to manage your profile than there is a small fee.
- How do I post a review for a contractor in my area?
- Just click on the “review” section on the Rate My Contractor home page
- The next page you’ll fill out your review with the contractors name
- Click the button, “post a review”
- Next you’ll be given a list for whom the listing will match up with
- Click the corresponding contractor from the list given
- Can I make an anonymous posting on a contractors profile page?
- Of Course, however we do encourage people to publicly voice their reviews. If you’d like to anonymously post your review you can do so by clicking on the “Don’t show my name” button before you post the review.
- How do I browse through local contractors in my area?
There are two ways in which a user can find a local contractor in their area
1) From the homepage there will be three fields for you to fill in. They are: Name or keyword, zip code, and category. Depending on what your project keywords are specific contractors will show up on the results page.
2) The other way is to browse. Once on the homepage navigate down to the category’s region of the page and choose cordially.
- I want to get a bid from a specific contractor, how do I do that?
- Once you have located a specific contractor listing click on the “get me a bid” tab. We will do our best in contacting that contractor and have them call you ASAP. We are home owners as well and like getting a few bids to even the playing field, so we’ll help you out by making your search easier by sending out only 2 other certified contractors to give you free estimates.
- How do I know that your reviews are accurate and not skewed or biased?
o Before the birth of Rate My Contractor we knew that accuracy of reliable reviews was going to be our number one priority. In order to ensure the highest quality of ratings our team randomly checks the authenticity of each its reviews. We’ve also set up a custom software program to prevent users from cheating the system. Because Rate My Contractor is community based there’s a “Red Flag” system that lets users’ flag reviews for investigation by one of Rate My Contractor’s authenticity investigation team members. However, if however we discover that people are not abiding to our code of standards than Rate My Contractor reserves the right to suspend account use and be noted on their listing, specifically contractor profiles.
- Who calls me when I sign up for an estimate?
- First someone from the Rate My Contractor team will call or email you to validate that you did want an estimate. Next, a certified contractor(s) will contact you to set up a time and date to come out a look at what your project entails
- What does certified tell me about the contractor?
- Being certified basically means that we’ve made your job easier. We’ve done the busy work for you so that looking for all the necessary credentials, licenses, and certifications have all been checked. It also, tells you, as homeowners that the contractor is in good standing with other homeowners in the area. Click here to get a more detailed explanation.